New Process 5 Speed (FWD) Information and parts
Chrylser Models A465 A525
Chrylser Models A520 A555
Chrylser Models A523 A543 A568
We can provide quality manual transmission parts for Dodge Chrysler models A465, A520, A523, A525, A535, A543, A568 T New Process 5 Speed front wheel drive manual transmissions. Our kits are designed to be top of the line overhaul kits. These New Process transmissions are typically used in Chrysler, Dodge Cars, Plymouth plus Chrysler/Dodge Vans and trucks models including; the Lebaron, Laser, Daytona, Lancer, Shadow, Spirit, 400 & 600, Omni, Shelby & 024, Caravan & Mini-Ram Van, RAMIPAGE, Champ, Reliant, Scamp, TC3, Turismo, Voyager Van, Acclaim, Sundance. Our kits are professional kits, some hardparts are available, sometime we can supply good used parts (take out parts) to help save you money! Call toll free 800-216-1632.
Different overhaul kits are available:
DTSBKXXX Kits (FWD): Main case bearings, gaskets and seals. Syncro rings are not included in these kits.
DTSBKXXXWS Kits (FWD): Main case bearings, gaskets and seals. Syncro rings are included in these kits.
You may also want to add new bearing retainer, nuts, dogs & wires, extension housing bushing, small parts kit, shifter bushings. These transmissions can be identified by its Aluminum 1 piece case with a stamped cover over the differential carrier and another stamped cover on the rear that accommodates the 5th gear set (the 5th gear rides outside the case body). The front bearing retainer is attached to the case with three bolts.